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    Deo Balls 4KG

    Used in waterless urinals.
    Used for the maintenance of waterless urinals, Deo Tablets is formulated to reduce uric sludge build up and are used in conjunction with our Free-Flo Waterless Urinal Valve.

    It does not contribute to pollution and contains no phenols or phosphates.

    What’s it good for?

    By placing 2 or 3 tablets around the dome it will slowly dissipate over 2 weeks. Formulated to assist sludge build-up in the outflow pipes and simultaneously releases a pleasant odour in the restroom.


    3 Tablets every 2 weeks.


    4kg bucket (approximately 500 tablets per bucket)


    12 months. Keep in a cool, dry place out of sunlight

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    Installation Services

    We provide installation services on equipment we sell in East London & Port Elizabeth. For more information please see the Installation Services page.