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Water Tank Chlorine Dispenser (2 Pack)

Long-life Chlorine in-tank dispenser, kills bacteria and viruses.

Kills bacteria and viruses in water tanks.

TANK DISPENSERS protect against common water-bourne bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Each dispenser contains sufficient disinfectant to treat a water volume of up to 40,000 litres (at 1 part-per-million in chlorine residual).

NOTE: This may vary due to temperature/season, raw-water quality and water flow/consumption.

TANK SIZE: For tanks up to 5,000 litres use 1 dispenser. For larger tanks (up to 7500 litres) use 2 or more dispensers.

For larger tanks we recommend the use of IN-LINE dispensing devices (such as the Klorman).

WATER TESTING: To maintain necessary disinfectant levels, use low-level chlorine test strips, or alternatively any ordinary swimming pool chlorine test kit.

  1. Remove dispenser from plastic pouch and unwind the anchor-cord.
  2. To adjust, turn dispenser upside down and tear off labels 1-3 to expose the desired number of apertures.
  3. DISPENSER DOES NOT FLOAT. Secure retrieval-cord around an external anchor-point on tank BEFORE releasing the dispenser into water. For optimal results ALWAYS suspend dispensers directly below the incoming water flow, approximately 10cm below the water surface.
  4. It is useful to install a sampling valve at the reservoir exit-point to enable testing. To test, open the sampling valve and run water for 5 seconds before taking water sample.
    Carefully follow use-directions applicable to the test-kit or test method used.
  5. Disposal: Ensure contents are completely spent before disposal. Rinse thoroughly before disposal.

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